
Friendly Open Interlude (AHAH)

Friendly Open Interlude (AHAH)
online | Other
Friday January 27th 2023
18:00 GMT/UTC

To celebrate the release of the new As High As Honor Package, we are holding a one time Friendly Open event as an Interlude between Friendly Open Seasons.





It is also a great opportunity to do deck testen for the upcoming GOT World Cup 2023. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ1ixBUalsJCdRjHGY6epLXO9rf0LWkoa1dY0EydpIS82OdJK3kpsIWy8TaRu6s7L52x9sYUAgzcI/pub


Everyones welcome, at any skill level.

Join the most beginner friendly tournament in AGoT LCG! Card Pool Redesigns/most recent RL at date of the tournament + Forgotten Heroes, Jade Sea, Hear My Words, For The Realm, Bran the Builder, and of course As High as Honor.



Swiss 4 rounds with final if needed.



Friday January 27th, 2023



17:45 registration - 18:00 first round starts. GMT + 0


Online Joust



The only rule is you need to include at least one card from the new expansion in your deck.