Prepare your best Deck and fight for the Throne in the Online Worlds 2024!
Registration form, information about prices and details about the timetable will follow in the next days. Like last year there will be Swiss Rounds on Saturdaystarting around 12GMT and an Extended Cut on Sunday (for everyone with X-2 or better) starting around 13GMT (exact starting times and other details will soon be published).
We hope this starting time again will make it possible for most people around the World to participate. We do know that it will be a short or a long night for some of you within their timezones of course. Thats hard for them but also great to some degree, knowing we have participants from all over the world 🙂
Saturday June 8th around 12pm GMT.
Extended Cut on Sunday starting around 1pm GMT.
Discord >>
Discord: DennisLuke#3244 and Zinnie#1261 or via email: [email protected]