Friendly Open Offline is available before June 2025! Read about it
Friendly Open Offline is available before June 2025! Read about it
702 games
49.57% win
2299 points
-0.037 QR
The Reach is perhaps the most bountiful region of Westeros, blessed by fertile soil and fragrant meadows, a home to music and learning from the maesters’ citadel in Oldtown to the beautiful castle of Highgarden.
Here, the Gardeners ruled as kings until the days of the Targaryen conquest, when dominion over the Reach was given to the Tyrells.
House Tyrell served the kings of Westeros loyally, both Targaryen and Baratheon, but in the troubled times that mark the beginning of A Song of Ice and Fire, the Tyrells enter the game of thrones on their own behalf.
The Tyrells are a "more than meets the eye" faction.
On the surface, they seem pretty straightforward, but the Tyrells usually operate with a hidden scheme waiting in the wings. The servants and bannermen of House Tyrell are numerous and wealthy, making this faction second in resources only to the Lannisters.
The Tyrells are the masters of manipulation in the game, and in some ways, they’re a combo faction with noticeable synergies between their faction’s cards. Finally, the words of House Tyrell are "Growing Strong," so as you might imagine, raising STR is a significant part of Tyrell strategy.
Strength Boost, Renown, Knights, Gold
Tyrell wealth is on display most prominently with The Arbor, which will provide massive long-run gains in return for an immediate tempo hit (four gold to marshal). Paxter Redwyne (Core) provides extra economy from both his gold bonus and reduction of event costs. And the Queen of Thorns (Core) lets you “jump in” a character for free when she wins an intrigue challenge -- a potentially huge advantage.
Randyll Tarly (Core) is the poster boy for the Tyrell “strength raising” theme (still strong in 2023 decks). Cards like Growing Strong (Core), Margaery Tyrell (Core), and Heartsbane (Core) help you win challenges you would have otherwise lost, or turn a small margin of victory into a blowout in order to trigger effects like The Mander (Core) and Superior Claim.
The Tyrell faction is home to some other forms of challenge trickery as well. Challenge control effects like Highgarden (Core) and Mare in Heat remove opposing characters so you more assuredly win the challenges you want to prioritize.
Finally, many Tyrell characters have the Knight trait or benefit Knights, such as Knight of Flowers (Core) and Lady Sansa’s Rose. There are also neutral cards such as Hedge Knight and Tourney for the King that help flesh out this theme. The Knights also support the Ladies of the faction, as evidenced by Ser Hobber Redwyne.
† References above provided by scantrell24
The Friendly Council is a deckbuilding series for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (Second Edition). This is a new Friendly Open project, aimed at helping beginner and intermediate-level players build their own decks.
- Tyrell / Banner of the Lion by the Friendly Open inspired by the original work of hungarman
- Tyrell / Kings of Summer by Grześ Szczepański
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- Tyrell / Lion by Robert Chervat
This deck is made by Robert Chervat which is one of the best players around and he have had good success playing burn decks, and this is a deck made for the new restricted list, so it's highly competitive! Robert (JP profile) is a friend of the Friendly Open, and is often seen spectating the Friendly Open games at Sundays.
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